Need Food?
We serve residents of Norwood and Westwood. If you do not live in Norwood or Westwood, the Greater Boston Food Bank can help you locate a pantry in your community. If you need emergency food assistance, regardless of where you live, please contact us at 781-291-3663 and we will help.
150 Chapel Street in Norwood.
The entrance is at the back of the Grace Episcopal Church. Parking is available.
Pantry Hours:
Saturday mornings from 9:00 AM to 11:40 AM.
New clients may join us on Saturday morning to get signed up.
The pantry requires documentation of your need for food. You have up to three visits to provide adequate documentation.
For information on documenting your need, please see Client Registration.
For client guidelines and pantry rules, see Client Guidelines.
Call the pantry for additional information: 781-291-3663.
Unable to access the pantry due to disability?
During non-COVID times, the pantry is located down one flight of stairs, in the basement of the church. If you are unable to climb stairs, please contact us to discuss your needs.

SNAP Information
SNAP stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. It was formerly known as food stamps and is run by the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA). For more information- click here.
1 out of 9 people in Massachusetts receive SNAP benefits. Click here to find out if you are eligible.
Additional Information about SNAP and other resources.
Free Food at Norwood's Farmers Market- Click here for more details
The Massachusetts Law Reform Institute document explaining COVID-19 & Extra Emergency SNAP benefits.