The Norwood Food Pantry is run 100% by volunteers!
We welcome all types of volunteers-drivers, stockers, helpers, cleanup. Please fill out our application below to indicate your areas of interest and availability. Students who need credit for school should indicate their specific needs in the application.
Saturday Morning Volunteers
Saturday volunteers commit to working one Saturday a month. Help is needed for the following volunteer positions:
Adults to assist clients through the Grab-n-Go line and Shopping 8:55 am -11:45 am
Youth volunteers (age 12 and above) to help carry bags 9 am -11:45 am
Pre-shopping set up 7:00 - 8:45 am
Post-shopping clean up 11:30 am -12:15 pm
Translators - Spanish, Haitian Creole, Albanian (also looking for translators to create flyers)

We need volunteers throughout the week to sort food, stock shelves in the warehouse and pantry and help prepare the pantry for “shoppers” on Saturday mornings. Stocking and sorting volunteers must be able to lift 50lbs.
Drivers Needed
The Pantry depends on volunteers to pick up food from local stores and also to help deliver food to the homes of clients with disabilities. In addition, we also distribute food to other community pantry organizations based on need.
Click the appropriate button below to apply: