With the new school year fast approaching, this can be a
great time to start thinking about school lunches! Here are
three tips to be mindful of and help you with packing school
Planning takes the most time out of prepping, but the more
you do it, the easier it will be. Start by thinking of what
everyone will eat for the week, see if you have any of the
ingredients already at home, and make a list for food
shopping. Be sure to stick to the list!
The easiest way to make sure you are safely preparing
food in your kitchen is by washing your hands frequently
and cleaning anything that comes in contact with the food.
Prep any food that will be ready-to-eat first like fruits,
vegetables, or deli meats and then prep foods that need to
be cooked.
When packing the food, use an insulated lunch bag and
make sure there are two cold sources with the ready-to-eat
foods such as frozen water bottles or freezer packs. This
will ensure that the food will be kept safely cold (at 40
degrees Fahrenheit or below) until lunch time!
Courtesy of GBFB Nutritious Bytes